Writing Productivity – 12 Hacks To Write Faster




Unusual Writing Productivity Hacks

‘Good writing takes time. That’s true.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t speed up.
When you adopt the right habits and mindset,
you can write surprisingly fast’, said Henneke

Let study best writing tips (hacks) from Henneke.


1. Write while groggy

Research suggests we’re more creative
when we’re at our groggiest.
There’s also some indication that a modest amount
of alcohol unlocks our creativity because we’re more likely to break out of thought patterns.

So ‘Write drunk, edit sober.’

2. Set a timer

Try to do more and have fun with time management.
For example, the Pomodoro technique suggests 25 minutes of dedicated work, followed by 5 minutes break.

3. Make writing a choice

“I should write” or “I have to write more regularly?”
Is there resistance to writing?

Henneke learned to change her self-talk,
and to make writing a choice rather than a chore: “I want to write” or “I choose to write.”

4. Make a specific commitment

The research shows that without a specific plan
only 35% of people exercised at least once a week.

That’s why Henneke every evening make a specific writing commitment for the next day.

She says:
‘I decide which project I’ll work on, for how long, and by what time I’ll get started.

5. Chop up the writing process

writing 1You don’t have to do everything all at once. Split up outlining, writing, revision and editing.

6. Take advantage of percolation

Henneke says:
‘As you’ve cut your writing project in doable tasks,
you can also spread the work over more days.

Spreading your writing over more days,
allows you to boost your creativity and make your content even better’.

7. Get in the mood to write

Try a short ritual to get in the right mood.
Rituals work because they can boost your motivation and confidence.

8. Avoid rabbit holes

‘Don’t interrupt Your writing flow to look
for missing pieces of research.
Use “TK” (“to come.”)
Keep writing your draft, and add the missing information later.’

9. Build a bridge to tomorrow

Ernest Hemingway knew what came next.
He built himself a bridge to the next day. You can too.

10. Rescue lousy drafts

‘Always look for what’s in Your draft and work from there.

11. Slow down

Follow the 90% rule.

12. Practice your writing muscles

‘Set S.M.A.R.T. goals—goals that are
specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, and time-based.

To nurture a healthy writing habit,
start by setting your goal so ridiculously low that it’s easy to stick with it.’

See more reviewable and concise
in the infographic from Henneke below.


12 Unusual Productivity Hacks: How to Write Faster

12 Unusual Productivity Hacks: How to Write Faster, courtesy of Henneke at Enchanting Marketing


At video –
George RR Martin asks Stephen King:
“How do you write so Fast?!”

See also – Stephen King – top rules for writers

By Vilnis

I can ask questions and am trying to find solutions